(link-reveal: "From:")[ stenvallskoeldcompany@iol.pt
(link-reveal: "To:")[ nanobots@mit.edu
(link-reveal: "Subject:")[ [[Inquiry]]]]](set: $madam to (either: true, false))
Dear (link-repeat: "(color: green)[$madam[Madam](else:)[Sir]]<title|")[(set: $madam to not $madam)(replace: ?title)[$madam[Madam](else:)[Sir]]],
I've visited your website [[and]]I find your products very [[interested]] at the first sight to create its place.To go to the [[next step]] which concern the marketingPlease kindly send me your latest catalogue's product and please send us your prices CIF, to start presentation in order to have [[feedback]] of the consumers and (link-reveal: "[(color: green)[whole sellers]]<sellers|")[(replace: ?sellers)[distributors]]Please [[contact us]] for more informationYour early reply is highly appreciated.[[Thank]]You![[Best Regards]],Stenvall Skoeld & Company (China) Limited
4th Floor 139 No. 1 Ruijin Road
Huangpu District, Shanghai
Tel: +86 (21) 6316 6080